How to find any website server IP address using command prompt
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You can easily find any website server ip address using command prompt. As you may know that on internet each and every server or system, computer has its own ip address. You can find your own or others.You have to do some little trick in the command prompt to find website ip address.
1- Open command prompt.
2- In command prompt type-
ping website name
eg:- ping
3- This will show youtube ip address like
“”BONUS TRICK””- type this ip address in your url bar in your browser (where website name you type) and press enter, the site will be open.
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PING- this command is not for the purpose of finding website ip address. It actually checks the connection between your system with the other system or server. It sends test data to that server/system and receive data packets. as you can see this after typing the command.
Here TTL means Time To Live.
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ip address