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How to Find IP Address of ASUS Routers | ASUS SUPPORT

When using multiple #ASUS #Router or #Repeater products in one network environment, how do I know all the IP addresses of each ASUS Router or Repeater?
ASUS Device Discovery app helps you find all ASUS networking devices include routers, repeaters, access points and wireless media bridges in your network.
You can use this app to get device IP addresses then login to the setting page.

To learn more about this video visit the following article on ASUS support site:
[ASUS Device Discovery] How to find the IP address of your wireless router or AP from Windows system?
[Wireless Router] How to use the QIS (Quick Internet Setup) to set up Router ? (Web GUI)
[Wireless] Troubleshooting – I can’t login to ASUS Router WEB GUI via the username and the password
[Wireless Router] How to update the firmware of your router to the latest version ?
[Wireless Router] How to reset the router to factory default setting?


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

12 thoughts on “How to Find IP Address of ASUS Routers | ASUS SUPPORT

  • how to find ip of router when is in repeater mode – in dns is dns of 1st router

  • this isn't what I'm looking for. I need the ip addresses of other devices on the network but it doesn't appear anywhere usually it is under DHCP server. but there is nothing listed, if that is the case how am I connected?

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  • I wish the voice provider, his English language accent is good.
    We must to keep in mind, Internet service provider might give the ip address of the connection..

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