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How to find out someones IP address on the internet.

Yo what’s up everyone my name’s dave and you suck at programming.

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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

7 thoughts on “How to find out someones IP address on the internet.

  • If you can get my IP address, can you tell me what year truck I drive?

  • extremely correct, especially the last part of that address.

    edit: okay, watched the rest xD

  • The best ways I know to learn someone's IP address are to set up a dedicated webserver which logs requests, strike up a DM conversation with someone, keep embedding links to memes on various sites, and then eventually put an embed to a unique link on their dedicated website. The only IPs in the webserver's logs, for that unique image, will be IPs of yours and IPs of theirs. This plus other headers like User-Agent and Via, and perhaps some logging of TLS-specific headers if you have a way to capture those, can very uniquely identify a user whether they're visiting via phone, PC web browser, or something more exotic like a Tor proxy.

    I've never done this but it's part of the reason why I do most of my pseudonymous chatting on a handle I assume will eventually be associated with my real name, address, etc. and keep my conduct on that handle limited to stuff I'm willing to accept being linked to my real life reputation–I'm not entirely certain that, using services like Discord and even Facebook Messenger, I could keep this from eventually being done to me. It's a fairly insidious trick to stop if you aren't looking for it, even with apps like WhatsApp and Signal that are advertised as helping you maintain digital opsec. Some of what you can fingerprint in this fashion will unmask details about who you are and what tech you're using even if you're using a personal VPN.

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