How to Find Xbox One IP Address
This video shows you how to find your Xbox One IP address.
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Steps to Find Xbox One IP Address: 0:33
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Video Transcript:
Some issues with your Xbox One console will require you to know your Xbox One IP address to solve them. This can include problems connecting to your Xbox One through your computer, or issues associated with the security settings on your wireless router. To work through these problems you’ll need to know your Xbox One IP address so you can manually enter that information.
Now let’s walk through the steps to find your Xbox One IP address.
Step 1. Start at your Xbox Live home screen, highlight your account name in the upper left corner of the screen, and then press “A” on your Xbox controller. A menu appears.
Step 2. Use the left analog stick to highlight the “System” icon on the far right side of the row of icons that appear along the top of the menu. The System icon looks like a gear. Press “A.” The System menu appears.
Step 3. Choose “Settings” in the list of options that appear in the Settings menu. The Settings screen appears.
Step 4. Choose “Network” in the list of options along the left side of the screen, and then choose “Network Settings” in the choices that appear on the right side of the screen. The Network screen appears.
Step 5. Choose “Advanced Settings” on the left side of the screen. The Advanced Settings screen appears.
Step 6. Select “IP Settings” in the list of options on the left side of the screen. The IP address for your Xbox One will appear to the right of the IP Address field. You can also see your subnet mask and gateway information.
ip address