How To Fix a Monitor With Yellow Tint Screen Problem Windows 10 / 8 / 7
#Monitor #BlackScreen #Fix
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In This Tutorial How To Fix a Monitor With Yellow Tint Screen Problem Windows 10 / 8 / 7
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how to repair windows 7
My hp laptop is still not working after following your steps
Kalo layar hitam putih bisa pake cara ini juga ga?
Very 😞😞😞 bad
Thank you so much sir🎉
Nao funcionou
I've got what seems like a negative + yellow tint going on with my monitor.
I'm outputting from my ATEM extreme into my BENQ monitor with a HDMI to DVI cable. I'm putting a Raspberry Pi 4 into the same monitor into its VGA port (or DIN), which works fine.
When I connect other devices to the monitor using the same DVI cable it works fine.
When I connect to a different monitor using a different cable it works fine.
So from troubleshooting;
ATEM – Works ✅️
Cable – Works ✅️
Monitor – Works ✅️
All of the above combined together – Doesn't work ❌️
Perfect Video 👍
Thank you for saving me!
I have no idea why it went yellow in the first place but this video helped me get it back to normal within seconds!
Thank you so much!
not working
Whats is the soulgion for very dark green tint i have to use and phone flashlight to see it
What about for pink screen. My officemate accidentally press something and she was shock when the screen turn pink
not working I had to switch to hdmi to fix the problem on vga
What is the solution for pink tint
It didnt work on my dell system 🥺 💔
Is is working for pink screen too?
not workingbro:(
This didnt work my pc is still in yelloe
uh i didnt work.
Thank you so much i can play games now thats my screen color fix you are helpful ty
Bị câm ah
Thanks you so much….the video was helpful
Bhai kafi achi video thi keep it up
thank you very much.. it worked!! God bless you 🙂
Thanks a lot man !!!!!
Bro you a life saver after watching your video i lost hope i started thinking of opening my laptop 💻 cause after restarting it was the same but with in 10 mins my came back to normal
Turns out my vga cable was just loose…
No working my screen still green😢😩
bal change hoi kisui hoi na
Yes it works 😊
And after the damage is done?
Not working 😢
Thank you so much it helps me😊
Bulla b nai aaya 😵
Not working
still the same
Thanks very much. I'm a 70 year old lady and I don't know what I'd do without the kind people who go to the trouble of making instructional videos. You're a gem.
Thank you so much it really works 🙏🏻😊
Thanks bro
U motherfucker just turned my normal screen yellow
thank you sooo much!
Thanks ❤
sorry but is doesn't worked bro by the way my pc vision is blue not yellow
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