How to Fix Blue Screen Error in Windows 7

I am showing you how to fix blue screen error in windows 7. “bsod windows 7”

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20 thoughts on “How to Fix Blue Screen Error in Windows 7

  • Hello sir i installed a apllication which is of 37 gb from torrent to download a bluethooth drive .after downloading it ,my laptop was working fine then suddenly bluescreen appeared with some txt in it .i couldnt read the txt since it directly turned off my laptop. After that my laptop is not turning on only. I have tried many methods plzz help me sir

  • Bro help. I did this and it was gone for like 2 days but it came back again. The code is 0x000000007A.

  • I…………………………………………………………. just wanna tell you "thank you so much!!!".
    So I subscribed your channel.

  • I still got it 🙁
    And the Pc make this loud noise when it shuts down

  • Hello I need help my computer won't start and keep saying window loading files also showing up blue screen what do I do help me please

  • So what am I supposed to do after clicking "schedule disk check". I just did that, and nothing happened.

  • My window 7 not same anyway i try to do dont know right or not scan when starting stop when finish do computer always do same or only once

  • Bhai is error is meri windows to corrupt to nahi hogi?

  • its worked but after restart now i cant open also it loaded too long how do i fix it pls

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