How to Fix BSOD Process1 Initialization Failed Error 0x0000006B

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to fix the process1_initialization_failed blue screen of death error 0x0000006B. Find out what causes the error, when does it occur and how to fix the error for good.

Step 1 — What causes the error

The error can suddenly appear when Windows is booting normally. The error usually appears when the computer is running windows 7 and the computer crashes before you are prompted to input the login details.

This error can occur if the size of the bootcat.cache file has changed since the last time the computer was successfully booted or if the file is corrupt.

Step 2 — Open Windows in Safe Mode

To fix this error, simply start Windows in safe mode. If windows is still showing you an error and not opening up in safe mode, you will need to use the windows live cd or USB to launch the platform.

Step 3 — Change boot priority

Once you have inserted the bootable disk drive or windows live cd, open up the bios. Once there, go to the booting options and change the boot priority according to the media you are using to boot the desktop.

Step 4 — Delete bootcat

For this tutorial, we will be launching the desktop through the windows live Cd.
With that done, save the changes made and windows live cd will boot up the desktop.

Over 5here, open up My Computer and go to the windows folder.

Now locate the System 32 folder and then open the Code Integrity directory. Once you are there, you will find the bootcat.cache file. Simply delete the file and restart your computer.

If you have used the windows live cd or a bootable USB, eject the media and your computer will start in normal condition.

In this manner, you can fix the process1_initialization_failed blue screen of death stop error 0x0000006B.


how to repair windows 7

33 thoughts on “How to Fix BSOD Process1 Initialization Failed Error 0x0000006B

  • Я удалил этот файл но у меня все равно синий экран

  • Бляяя. А можно на русском, пожазя?👀

  • My computer isn't loading in safe mode
    -Tried f8 key
    -Tried installation USB to find the advance startup settings (option isn't appearing)
    -Tried cmd to Make it with the safe mode option (doesn't help)
    -tried to delete cache file using cmd(no difference)
    -sfc scan isn't completing task by giving errors * previous pending restart required
    -chkdsk didn't help.

    Please help to go safe mode.

  • even if my issue not solved but thanks for the solution, it will help others

  • it cause because your dvd drive got some prob.try to remove it like unplug it's data cable then try to booting again i think it will works faster than this.

  • 1- get to windows 10 repair screen.
    2-click restore
    3-chose an earlier date
    4-it will not work (but it will ask u if you want to repair the hard drive)
    5-click yes then restart after. DONE

  • I can't find the CD of the windows installation any other thing that might help? Please help me

  • I have Windows 8.1, not 7.
    And Safe Mode is impossible because the advanced boot menu doesn't work.

  • well there is a bad driver somehwere and replacing that bootcat with a working one didnt work, now what…

  • thank you so much bruhhh I tried everything even your other video but only this worked.respect!

  • Dont delete It overwirte It bootcat.cache from working pc

  • Почему у меня БИОСА нету? Вместо бисоа у меня какой-то CMOS. Помогите пожалуйста.

  • Same problem. Tried using cmd prompt to find and delete it, but it wasn't found. Deleted it via Ubuntu, still won't boot.

    Trying to boot with grub (linux pre-startup OS selection) just brings up windows startup repair with no OS listed in the first promt. Totally empty. Running DISKPART shows only a 'Primary' partition on the SSD windows is loaded on – the Ubuntu SSD has three.

    If I boot by removing the HDD that had Ubuntu on it (as opposed to booting from Grub) it allows me to use system restore – but same error on restart. Also startup repair doesn't do diddly, plus running DISKPART shows the same as before.

    Starting with the windows DVD just yields scenario 2 to a t.

    I really, really hate this crap. Winnoze 7 worked for years flawlessly, but a CLEAN INSTALL is now a 50/50 crap shoot of booting fine or requiring a day and a half to fix a brand new problem preventing it from even booting up.

  • sadly it dont worked with this tutorial, with dism cleanup tutorial, and with ntfs.sys restore (system32/drivers) tutorial.
    the BSOD Process1 Initialization Failed Error 0x0000006B persists.

  • What if when you try to navigate to the HD (using CMD) it says the media is corrupted and inaccessible?

  • Just when I was confused as to the sudden appearance of this problem and not being able to resolve it despite multiple boots, booting to a different OS and then back and other methods, this video comes to the rescue.

    Short story: It worked. Thanks a lot.

  • Just when I was confused as to the sudden appearance of this problem and not being able to resolve it despite multiple boots, booting to a different OS and then back and other methods, this video comes to the rescue.

    Short story: It worked. Thanks a lot.

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