How To Fix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows 7 – Stop Code 0x000000d1

Article @ Hi, In this video I will show you How To Fix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows 7 – Stop Code 0x000000d1

Check out where I wrote a guide on how to resolve any blue screen of death errors you might be getting with windows 10

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If you are getting a blue screen of death with the error of DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with the Stop Code 0x000000d1 on your windows 7 machine don’t worry as I will help you to prevent this bsod. This issue is usually caused by a driver issue or a corrupt file. I have five steps for you to check.

You need to find out what file caused the crash on your system, if you look on the blue screen of death you should see a file name bottom left that ends with .sys, for example

tcpip.sys = Networking
netio.sys = Networking
ndis.sys = Operating System
rtwlane.sys = Operating System
iastor.sys = Hard-Drive

Step 1 – Open device manager, Locate the device that is causing the issue (You know which device is causing the issue by looking at the file name on the bsod) now update that driver to the latest version.

Step 2 – Perform a operating file system scan. Open the command prompt and type in sfc / scannow and hit enter. This command will scan your operating system files and will fix any issues it finds.

Step 3 – Run a chkdsk to scan your system for corrupt files.

Step 4 – Run windows updates, Its possible Microsoft have released a update which fixes the issue we are having.

Step 5 – Reset hardware

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29 thoughts on “How To Fix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows 7 – Stop Code 0x000000d1


  • Thx man its literally working also i watch other blue screen fix it didnt work but i saw this it work ty man

  • I'm unable to fix my problem with any of these solutions please mail me back as I'm really frustrated finding solutions

  • Here is some basic tutorial i did in order to fix mine,

    Log into Safe Mode
    open Device Manager
    Find the driver that caused the problem*
    Instead of updating it i suggest you click roll back driver
    then restart.

    cause instead of updating it with your own driver, search for trusted drivers in you're own Browser.

  • Updating network drivers worked well for me. Thanks a lot!

  • Your advice broke my computer more. Before trying error check/restart i could atleast get to windows safe mode. Now it cannot get to windows, just a black screen with "Loading windows Files: please wait…" – stops at "loaded: Windowssystem32DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS"

    Any advice, please?
    I have a replacement network driver on a seperate device, but cannot install it as i cannot get windows to load.

    This happened after trying your advice.

  • Hi! After performing step 3 in safe mode, my laptop restarts and starting to do the chrdsk scan all over again. Moreover, the safe mode doesn't work anymore. If I choose safe mode, then it turns to a black screen loading the system data and freezes at classpnp.sys. Can you help me, please? 😢

  • This issue only happens at the time of playing games like gta 5 or watch dogs 2……not normally

  • Help I can't do that, I can't access my computer after the loading of the windows blue screen apears

  • help me I have this blue screen when I start gta 5 rocket league cs go … at very high I do not know why this happens I have enough strong computer

    graphics: RX 560 4gb

    processor: RYZEN 5 1500x

    RAM MEMORY: hyperx 8gb

    power supply: 630W MS

    hard drive: 1tb

  • When I boot my laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate, I get blue screen DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors like 0x0000000A, 0x0000000D1, 0x0000000C5, and others (I did not take down the error numbers!) In the beginning of time when error started coming, it stayed at the blue screen, but now, laptop restarts without properly displaying even the blue screen error.

    1. Safe mode – Does not work
    2. Safe mode with Networking – Does not work!
    3. Last Known Good Configuration – Does not work!
    4. Debugging mode – Does not work!
    5. Windows 7 OS Start-up repair tells that the version of Windows 7 Ultimate OS is different from the Start-Up repair!
    6. I tried with Windows 10 ISO images, but the laptop did not boot from the USB even though I selected USB boot option!
    7. I tried with Windows 10 DVD, but the laptop took hours and hours without even showing the start-up repair screen/window!

  • im having pci.sys do you know what it can be caused by?

  • hi, what can i do if this error occured when i format computer by windows 7?, i already format my c drive

  • can you help me?
    my problem is when I open browser. after that the blue screen come out. can you help me ?

  • thanks for the video, I have had this issue many times before, always a driver issue

  • if you have any questions please post them here

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