How to Fix Dual Boot Problems
In this video, I go over how to fix grub bootloader with Windows 10 and a Linux partition with dual boot. Sometimes Windows 10 will wipe out grub and you will need to repair it. This shows how to use for the repair.
Related Videos for Help
How to use Grub Rescue:
Custom Grub Menu:
Repair Linux Boot:
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how to repair windows 10
Related Videos for Help
How to use Grub Rescue:
Custom Grub Menu:
Repair Linux Boot:
Fix Windows Startup:
Make a usb thumbdrive with Ventoy. Put this iso and your OS iso/Windows iso and other iso's of Linux distros you want to try out on there. And leave e.g 10 Gigs for programs you need. Cannot go wrong with that.
Hey I want you to know that I was able to follow this and use Super Grub Disk to boot back into Ubuntu Linux and use Grub Customizer to reinstall Grub back to the MBR!
I used Balena Etcher to flash Super Grub Disk 2 to two USB drives. This is a real lifesaver because it means my dial boot works again! If Windows overwrites Grub again I will be prepared.
this works sep 2023
That's exactly what happens. Windows just assumes that it's the only OS that matters and will wipe out multiboot setups.
You are such a waste of time
Fantastic vid – many, many thanks. I'm gonna join your patreon right now – when I find out how to – not immediately clear to me as I type.
man i have had w10 w11 dual boot i had w11 in crucial ssd and w10 in samsung m.2 . I wanted to put S.O w11 in the m.2 ssd and I deleted w10 with erase option I installed w11 there and dual boot and now with two equal systems it won't start. how can i fix this please? Dual boot now don`t work
Hey Titus, what is your DE? I'm curious
Thank you so much. Great video and so helpful 👍
Chris, Windows is the septic tank of OSes….
i have repair my bootloader but this time i cannot customize my grub
-help-🆘😣This is an excellent entry for a Ventoy thumb drive 👍
I booted my SSD disk instead of the USB, i guess i lost all, anyways learn from mistakes…
for me it does not work, it keep falling to the grub promt , however if i start from the setup it allow me to boot windows or linux.
This works like a charm. Thanks for the tutorial Chris.
Thanks a lot man
Funny. I'm looking into grub to GET RID of grub customizer…
I don't know about other distros, but from Mint, making a bootable usb disk from any image file is just a right-click away. The USB Image Writer app was part of Mint back in 2019 as well. Super simple program, works awesomely. No need to go looking for device ids.
Hello there! great video! my Linus Debian 11 does not support the blkid command .. what could be done… Thank you !
I literally had a quad boot at some point
Tks, was first looking for the command mode repair of dual boot via a live linux but this may just work as well. First few times I did this , suse fixed everything on install , just dualbooted itself with a menu choice. Now I have w 8.1 could be problem. Installing usb …. tks again.
thank you very much for this video, worked like a charm! I am not 2 deep in the linux lore, so this was a game changer!
Good day , I installed Kali on the same path with Windows 10, right now I can't boot into my windows , I have tried my solutions on YouTube but it's not working . Is there any way you can help sir ?
This was so freaking great you're awesome man. Saved me so much freaking time
After booting into windows using super grub how can i fix my bootloader?
@Chris Titus Tech hey I accidentally did SDA instead of sdd now nothing is happening 😭😭
Plz help me
Chris I accidentally did SDA instead of sdd plz help me
I need help: how do install grub on windows so I can determine which os I would run, without running into grub rescue menu.
Hey bro i have installed ubuntu 20 in efi mode and want to install win11 but bios and boot option shows but not working please help
I'd love to use the rescue grub, but it may not fix what's broken which is a configuration problem outside the grub loader. A question I've been asking myself is what is happening between the 1st and 2nd try in entering Windows 10 that isn't happening on the first try. Is it an element of time, or something that is engaged after the 1st try that windows corrects-or linux corrects?
My problem is normal but weird. I have a tri-boot with win 10, 11, and Linux. I did probably the bad thing which is lazily I used the installer to accomplish shrinking and creating the vacant space on a separate partition where Win 10 resided. Now, I can access all three systems. Success. But not exactly. It takes two tries to get into Win 10 from the grub menu. Win 11 no problem. It's annoying to boot twice, but it must be something easily fixed, or not. Help!?
Why didn't you just extract and run "make a bootable usb disk" option when you right click, show off!
Great video. Solved my issue. Thanks.
Well, i had installed linux, updated it and when booted back to windows , it overrode linux.
Nice now I'm left with nothing. Thx
omg, you not indian pepega how it can be ?
Thanks you saved me
This sounds too good to be true!!! Can someone detail me why reinstalling windows messes up grub?
I just boot in the Os that I want using The boot menu .is that okey ??!
I subbed because this video was great and you use Vivaldi. I'm very interested to see how a much more expert Linux user works with Vivaldi