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How To Fix IP Address Conflict via iPhone, iPad Wi-Fi Settings. HINDI

In this video I explained how to fix IP address conflict via iPhone or iPad settings. If you face slow internet problem of IP address conflict problem on your iPhone, iPad or iMac etc. then it might be IP address conflict between your device. IP address conflict can happen for any reason, so in this situation two device will get same IP address so router will not able to server internet request efficiently. There are various ways to resolver IP address conflict, like restart your router or disable wi-fi from your device and enable it, But you can fix IP address conflict via iPhone or iPad also. Actually you have to renew IP address lease from your iPhone settings. Once you renew lease it will assign new IP address to your device (iPhone or iPad) that way it will resolve IP address conflict on your network. This is very useful way to solve IP address conflict problem using your iPhone, or iPad. Everything explained in this video in Hindi.

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Thank you,
Prashant Mangukiya

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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