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How to fix the “failed to obtain an IP address” error on Android I NordVPN

In this video, we will explain how to fix the “failed to obtain an IP address” error on Android.
Protect your Wi-Fi with NordVPN:

What does this error mean? You usually see it when your device cannot obtain an IP address assigned to it by the router. There could be several reasons for this, ranging from poor Wi-Fi signal to problems with the router or your device. It can be annoying, especially if you are making some important transactions or phone calls.

However, there are a number of methods to fix the problem, all of which are easy to implement. These include reconnecting to the network, turning your flight mode on and off, assigning a static IP address, whitelisting your device, or changing the encryption types.

Do not forget to also secure your network from snoopers. Get NordVPN for a smooth and secure experience:

Wi-Fi has become an essential commodity, but with it came certain vulnerabilities. NordVPN’s cutting-edge encryption will guarantee you proper protection. Check it out here:


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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