How to Get Back Missing Devices from Device Manager in Windows 10/8/7

Add Missing Software & Hardware Devices in Device Manager

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Audio inputs and outputs, computer, disk drives, display adapter, human interface devices, IDE ATA controllers, keyboards, mice and other pointing devices, monitors, network adapters, ports (com & LPT), printer, processors, software devices, sound video and game controllers, storage controllers, system devices, universal serial bus controllers, adb interface, android device, camera, web cam, wi-fi, ieee, usb, scanner device, imaging devices, portable devices,


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31 thoughts on “How to Get Back Missing Devices from Device Manager in Windows 10/8/7

  • Bro… I can't find add legacy hardware at the action option. Please help me out😢😢😢😢

  • Bro, you saved my life!!! TPM was missing from Device Manager and I couldn't figure it out for the life of me….

  • PIN THIS:For those having problem with the mouse after driver update it won't show up not working just open device manager find the option human interface devices and then you will see the hid compatible system controller something like that im hungarian so im using a google translator and then click properties or double click hid compatib…and you will see roll back and click it and select an option and thats it.

  • Guys even after installing driver if it doesn't appear it might be a bug, if you're on a laptop do a cold shutdown (press power button for 10 secs, wait for few seconds and power on again} your Bluetooth should be back

  • IDE drive mode, what is he maufavter for it, my dvd drive is missing how to fix it, i know i nned to put ide unstead of atta but not working to change it

  • 5 years later and you have helped me out big time. Thank you

  • Thanks to you I tried so hard but without your video I couldnt manage to fix my laptop

  • Best this worked😊
    My USB root hub(3.0)was not working so I uninstalled it…then installed it with the help of this video

  • Thank you very much I deleted my headset shit and didn’t know how to reinstall it

  • accidentally removed the game controller on accident how do I get it back ?? cus my ps4 controller don’t wanna connect no more

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