Computer NetworksNETWORKS

HOW TO GET SOMEONES IP 2024 without grabify

I show you how to get someone’s IP in under 4 minutes. This is the 10th video in the how to get IP series and has been updated to 2024 MOOCORP. standards. I hope you enjoy the video in all of its glory.
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This video is purely for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously in any way. This video is a joke and no harmful or dangerous activies take place in this video. No IP grabbing happens. Joke Video.

00:00 Introduction
00:15 Step 1
01:59 The Wost Happens
02:38 An old friend
03:10 Explanation and Ending


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

15 thoughts on “HOW TO GET SOMEONES IP 2024 without grabify

  • no the people are literally pedophiles

  • I got scammed, and lost 3800€, wtf are you talking about?

  • As much as I want to agree with this, you've neglected to acknowledge a valid reason for getting someone's IP. Safety. If you're like me, and you have an online friend who you've never met and are extremely close with, one day you'll realize that you want to validate that they're a real human being.

  • You should have just named the title "why you shouldn't get peoples ip" or something.

    I understand its not a good thing to do but theres nothing better than turning someones internet off when they keep talking bad about you online with no consequences. I of course know how to do it using grabify but no one falls for it anymore. I really need a way to just get it without sending anything.

  • help where did you come from

  • Oh I and I pretty sure alot of others already know the way dUdE 😎

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