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How to Get the Primary IP Address of the Local Machine on Linux and OS X

Summary: Learn simple and effective methods to find the primary IP address of your local machine, whether you’re using Linux or OS X.

How to Get the Primary IP Address of the Local Machine on Linux and OS X

Knowing the primary IP address of your local machine is essential for various networking tasks, troubleshooting, and configurations. This guide will walk you through the steps to find your primary IP address on both Linux and OS X systems.

Finding the IP Address on Linux

Using the ip Command:
The ip command is a reliable and modern way to get network information.

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Look for the inet entry under the desired network interface (usually eth0 for Ethernet or wlan0 for Wi-Fi). The IP address typically follows the format

Alternatively, you can filter the result to get a cleaner output by using:

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Replace eth0 with your specific network interface if it’s different.

Using the ifconfig Command:
The ifconfig utility, though considered outdated, is still available on many systems.

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Similar to the ip command, look for the inet addr entry under the network interface you’re interested in. To streamline the output, use:

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Using the hostname Command:
The hostname command provides a quick way to find the IP address.

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This will return a list of IP addresses assigned to the host.

Finding the IP Address on OS X

Using the ifconfig Command:
OS X features the ifconfig command, similar to Linux.

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Look for the inet entry under the network interface such as en0 for Ethernet. To simplify the output, you can run:

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Using the networksetup Command:
The networksetup command is specific to macOS and can be very useful.

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Replace Wi-Fi with Ethernet or the specific interface you’re querying.

Using the ipconfig Command:
The ipconfig command is another alternative for OS X and macOS.

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Replace en0 with the desired network interface to get the IP address for that interface.


Finding the primary IP address of a local machine on Linux and OS X is straightforward with the commands highlighted above. Whether you use the modern ip command, the classic ifconfig, or macOS-specific utilities like networksetup, each method provides a quick and reliable way to gather your networking information. With these tools at your disposal, managing and troubleshooting your network settings becomes significantly easier.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.