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How to get your IP address in Windows XP

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How to get your IP address and Router address in Windows XP CMD will also work in Vista and Windows 7 – 10

If youre using a router or a gateway to the internet you may have two IP addresses, one for the local LAN (in side of the router) and one for the internet (out side the router or public IP address). My video shows you how to get the local LAN IP address. If you need to know your public or outside IP address go to . Your external address is usually dynamically (changing IPs) assigned by your ISP, or you may pay for a static IP address if you need one.

This video is about getting your IP address on your PC for the Internal network, and in this case it is a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) assigned IP address, and therefor is NOT a Static IP.

Most routers (AKA default gateway) like Linksys and alike provide DHCP services and a gateway to the internet. To access and login to your device please check the product manual and or the manufacture’s website for this info. Remember Google is your friend.

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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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