How to go around this Cisco's error "You may have been to idle on this page …"
The error in question which some of the Cisco’s NetAcad users experience when accessing the exams is, “You may have been idle on the current page for too long. Refresh the page to reset the session”. The video above demonstrates how the error arises, plus a quick workaround of it.
If you’re on Firefox(that’s what I was using at the time of accessing NetAcad) and experience the issue as I did, here’s a workaround:
Step 1: Disable ‘Enhanced Tracking Protection Mode’ as seen in the video above.
Set 2: Reload the browser and the issue should be fixed.
– If that doesn’t help, repeat step 1, clear the browser cache, and see if the issue will disappear.
#cisco #netacad
cisco academie
Thank you. you are awesome!!!!
In cisco introduction to cybersecurity I have completed end of the course feedback but it is not marking …makes me unable to write my final exam..pls help me out
for Mac users?
Dude Thanks so much!! I thought I was not going to be able to take my exam!
Sino les funciona prueben otrs navegadores, como mozilla, microsft Edge, Brave, Opera, etc, a veces a nuestro navegador lo administramos como nosotros queremos y ocurren problemas al ejecutar esta accion.
Thank you bro❤❤
Sir not all heroes wear capes🔥💪
How can I off in chrome
How if Google
Thanks you saved me a lot of trouble !
thank you
it doesn't work.
Thank you very much!
Thanks! 🙂
yo man you that help thank you dude
Whoa, that was it? I've been stuck and kept getting this message for two straight days. I've switched between Firefox and Safari, logged in & out of netacad multiple times on both, cleared caches, disabled cookies and re-enabled them and nothing.
Thanks for sharing this!
thanks bro its work