19 thoughts on “How to go around this Cisco's error "You may have been to idle on this page …"

  • In cisco introduction to cybersecurity I have completed end of the course feedback but it is not marking …makes me unable to write my final exam..pls help me out

  • Dude Thanks so much!! I thought I was not going to be able to take my exam!

  • Sino les funciona prueben otrs navegadores, como mozilla, microsft Edge, Brave, Opera, etc, a veces a nuestro navegador lo administramos como nosotros queremos y ocurren problemas al ejecutar esta accion.

  • Whoa, that was it? I've been stuck and kept getting this message for two straight days. I've switched between Firefox and Safari, logged in & out of netacad multiple times on both, cleared caches, disabled cookies and re-enabled them and nothing.
    Thanks for sharing this!

  • thanks bro its work

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