How to install AMD graphics drivers on Ubuntu
THIS VIDEO IS WOEFULLY OUTDATED! Do not attempt to use the info.
Updated version:
There are a lot of very relative terms in this video such as “functional” and “automated”.
If you want to update the driver the process is done the same way as the initial install. You most likely will not have to update all the packages but if it fails that may be why. You do not have to remove the old version as in windows, the installer from AMD automatically removes it and re-installs the newer version.
1. Download the drivers from AMD’s website that correspond with your version of Ubuntu.
2. Run “sudo apt-get update”
3. Run “sudo apt-get dist-upgrade”
4. Install the dependencies by running ” sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6 dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg0 dh-modaliases”
5. Change the directory to the ‘Downloads directory (or the directory where the .run is currently located.)
6. Make the .run file executable by either clicking “allow file to execute as a program” in the permissions tab under properties or running “chmod +x (AMD Driver .run file)”
7. Execute the .run file with “./(AMD driver .run file)”
8. Select ‘generate a distribution specific package’
9. Select the package for your distribution. 13.10 is ‘Ubuntu/saucy’ 13.04 is ‘Ubuntu/raring’ and 12.04.02 or 12.04.03 is “Ubuntu/precise’
10. Install the .deb packages using “sudo dpkg -i *.deb”
10.5 If any dependencies are not installed then run “sudo apt-get install -f”
11. DO NOT REBOOT THE COMPUTER! Run “aticonfig –initial” if you have a single device or “aticonfig –adapter=all –initial” if you are running multiple graphics adapters eg. crossfire.
12. Now you can reboot the computer.
13. The linux version of the catalyst control center is like that guy you are pretty sure sells drugs on the side. It doesn’t work that well. When you try to launch it in administrative mode it works on occasion. Others it just says ‘authentication failure’
the fail-safe way to do this launch it from the terminal using “sudo amdcccle” or for more experienced linux users, make your own launcher.
14. Configure the catalyst control center how you please then reboot.
It should be ready to use.
For all people with X-fire graphics cards.
You need to install Ubuntu with only one of the cards installed. Once the install is complete. Place the second card back on the motherboard. When booting go to ‘Advanced options for Ubuntu’ and select the ‘latest kernel (recovery mode)’. Select failsafe graphics and hit enter twice, then click around until you find your mouse and select ok. On the next screen select low graphics settings for just one use’ The screen will look like what I can only assume acid does to you. Then hit enter if it freezes and it should show you the log in screen. You must configure the drivers or boot like that every time you start Ubuntu.
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