How to Install and Setup SSH Server on Linux Mint 20.3 | Installing OpenSSH on Linux Mint 20.3
How to Install and Setup SSH Server on Linux Mint 20.3 | OpenSSH on Linux Mint 20.3 | Connect SSH OpenSSH Server is the premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol. It encrypts all traffic. In addition, OpenSSH provides a large suite of secure tunneling capabilities, several authentication methods, and sophisticated configuration options. The SSH protocol is available in two incompatible varieties: SSH 1 and SSH 2.
Most Used commands in this tutorial:
1. sudo apt install openssh-server
2. sudo systemctl is-enabled ssh
3. sudo systemctl status ssh
by TechSolutionZ
linux dhcp server
Thanks Master.
This video has saved my day, helped a lot.
I followed these instruction and everything worked as advertised until I tried to login to the linux machine from putty. When I put in my machine local ip address (192.168.x.y) the putty screen remains blank then times out. On the other hand, if I put in the hostname of my linux machine (John-HP-laptopname) the SSH server connects and prompts "login as:"
I then enter the only user name I have for linux and it then prompts "username's password:" to which I enter the password for that username. The system then promps, "Access denied followed by the same prompt "username's password:"
I have tried entering anonymous and that does not help. I have not idea what password it is asking for.
Thanks, this helped a ton.