How to install Android-Studio 2.1/3.0/3.1 in Ubuntu/Linux⌚
how to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 16.04 /15.04 / 14.04 and linux
This Video tutorial is for absolute beginners of Linux OS. And it will show the complete step by step instructions to install the Android Studio on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Same procedure can be used to install Android Studio on any other Linux OS like LinuxMint, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu Gnome etc.
Important Note: After the installation of Android Studio go to “Android Studio setting” and click on “Create Desktop Entry” and click OK. This will create Android Studio shortcut in the menu/application tab/dashboard of ubuntu. So that we can easily access the Android Studio.
Note: Make sure you have the sufficient storage space for ubuntu.
****************** Links ***********************
To download Android Studio go to…
Error:Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6
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