How to install Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu
With this step-by-step guide, I will teach you how to install Tomcat on any version of Ubuntu, because the code works on about any.
0:00 Intro
0:23 Step1: APT update
0:35 Default JRE installation
1:09 Step2: Check for tomcat in repository
1:29 Step3: Download tomcat
1:59 Step4: Install apache tomcat server
2:20 Step5: Enable or disable tomcat
2:34 Step6: Allow traffic to port 8080
2:50 Step7: Test tomcat server
3:30 End screen
sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre
java -version
sudo apt-cache search tomcat
sudo apt install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin
ss -ltn
sudo systemctl enable tomcat9
sudo systemctl disable tomcat9
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 8080 proto tcp
ip addr show
What you will learn:
1. Step 1: Apt update
a. How to install Java
b. How to install Tomcat on Ubuntu
c. How to install java platform
2. Step 2: Check for Tomcat in Repository
a. How to show all the latest packages available for download
3. Step 3: Download Tomcat
a. How to Download the tomcat9 package and the tomcat9 admin package and its dependencies
4. Step 4: Install Apache Tomcat Server
5. Step 5: Enable or Disable tomcat
6. Step 6: Allow Traffic to Port 8080
a. How to allow traffic from any source to port 8080 of the Tomcat Server
7. Step 7: Test Tomcat Server
a. How to connect to the Tomcat server using the system’s dynamic ip address
b. How to show your ip address in ubuntu
8. How to install the Apache web server in Ubuntu Linux
9. Install and Configure Apache Tomcat
Song: Joysic – Only Time (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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#computereverywhere #howto #install #apache #ubuntu
by Computer Everywhere
linux foundation
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