How to Install Django Web Framework on CentOS 7

Django is a fully featured Python based web framework which helps in rapid development and clean design. Web frameworks like Django provide a set of tools which helps the developer to write the application faster as the framework takes care of the internal structure, thus the developer needs to take care of the application development only. Django is free and open source software.
Features of Django:-
Django is very popular python web framework tools because of these main features.
Development using Django is very fast as it is designed to help the developers to complete their application as quickly as possible.
Django comes with the tools which you can use to handle common web development tasks like user authentication, sitemaps, content administration, API and many more.
Django helps the developer to avoid common security mistakes like SQL injection, Cross site scripting, Clickjacking etc.
Its user authentication system provides a secure way to manage user accounts and passwords.
Django can be easily scaled to handle very heavy traffic.

yum install python-devel python-setuptools python-pip
pip install –upgrade pip
pip install virtualenv
cd ~
virtualenv djangoenv
source ~/djangoenv/bin/activate
pip install django

Create a sample Django project:-
cd ~
django-admin startproject oj
cd oj/
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
firewall-cmd –zone=public –permanent –add-port=8000/tcp && firewall-cmd –reload


centos 7

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