How To Install Docker On Ubuntu 20.04 |
How To Install Docker On Ubuntu 20.04
What Is Docker?
Docker is a platform in which the services of resources are provided to the client to reduce the friction that occurs while deploying it on different machines. Docker provides the flexibility to have the installation of the libraries and dependencies of the instance to be easier.
How Does It Work?
Docker has the power to create different containers with various resources assigned like the memory, CPU, and OS distribution. These containers are entirely separated from each other and independent. These virtual containers can be provided as services to the clients that allow quick delivery and a higher level of quality of the application being shipped.
Is Docker A Virtual Machine?
Most people confuse Docker as a virtual machine. Docker is a containerized technology that uses the concept of creating separable holders and doesn’t require a hypervisor like VirtualBox running.
How To Install Docker In Ubuntu
Docker can be installed in Ubuntu by following some easy commands and downloading through the package manager. Docker is very famous for container services and is establishing a name in the world of technical service.
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How To Install Docker On Ubuntu
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