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How to install Mantisbt Bugtracking Tool | Email configuration in XAMPP server | Shivam Kumar Rai

How to install MantisBt bug tracking tool and email-configuration setup?

Installation video- till 12:40 minutes
email configuration – after 12:40 minutes

01. Download mantisbt from the link-
02. Download XAMP sever from the link-

Be carefully look at given instruction :

01. Installation :-

a. Download Mantisbt Zip file and extract it.
b. Download Xampp server and install on you c-drive
c. After installation successfully automatically creates a xampp file in c drive.
d. Click on Xamp and follow the instruction
Clicks– Xamp –htdocs– create a file “mantisbt”
e. Extract zip file of mantisbt copy and paste in create file such as “mantisbt”

for example:-
Xampp–htdocs–mantisbt-copy extract file from mantisbt — and paste here like as create a new “mantisbt” file in xampp in c-drive.
which is created by installation xampp server.

02. How to start Xampp server on local server-

a. open Xampp server
b. change port number on your xampp sever …
follow these instruction :

For example:- Open Xampp server– config– apaach(httpd.conf)

c. change- Listen and ServerName localhost
example such as port number :8086
d. And save and close the xampp sever
e. again Open Xampp server and clicks on start button
f. Some changes in config_inc
Goto Drive–Xampp– htdocs–mantisbt–config_inc–open with notepad or notepad++
copy this and paste here-

$g_hostname = ‘localhost’;
$g_db_type = ‘mysqli’;
$g_database_name = ‘bugtracker’;
$g_db_username = ‘root’;
$g_db_password = ”;

$g_default_timezone = ‘Europe/Berlin’;

$g_crypto_master_salt = ‘xoYPsNX3HnBMpJkAXUK7j13yuv7J1WjYO5zwEuLfuFY=’;

g. Save and exit from Xampp again open and start apache and sql

03. Database installation-
Go to your browser

enter http://localhost:8086/phpmyadmin/ (your port number instead of 8086)and search
after searched install the phpmyadmin

04. How to loginwith Mantisbt on your local server .

go to your browser:

http://localhost:8086/mantisbt/login_page.php (your port number instead of 8086)

default login username and password
username : administrator
Password : root

02. Email configuration :

a. If you have not write anything after the $g_crypto_master_salt . Then copy and paste after the $g_crypto_master_salt.

$g_allow_signup = ON;
$g_enable_email_notification = ON;
$g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
$g_smtp_host = ‘’;
$g_smtp_connection_mode = ‘tls’;
$g_smtp_port = 587;
$g_smtp_username = ‘’; //your email address
$g_smtp_password = ‘xxxxxxx’; //your email address password
$g_administrator_email = ‘’; //your email address
$g_log_destination = “C:xamppmailoutput”;

b. Open the sendmail.ini file

Xampp–sendmail– sendmail.ini

And changes some point given by below instruction
smtp_port= 587
debug_logfile=debug.log //your email address
auth_password=xxxx // your password // your email address

Save and close the xampp sever and open again and enter…

Note :-
You don’t get any email by mantisbt .then go to your spam and check it .if you get an email by mantisbt in your spam.If you want to remove the spam message to your inbox then give a permission in your gmail account by security (Less security)

03. Less secure permission step:
Go to link and give a permission for less secure :
Note:- Have you any query then please pass a comment in comment box.

Thank you.


by shivam kumar rai

linux smtp server

20 thoughts on “How to install Mantisbt Bugtracking Tool | Email configuration in XAMPP server | Shivam Kumar Rai

  • I am trying to move mantis and come across the database cannot load. Can u help me

  • Hi shivam kuma rai,

    i have installed mantisbt tool using xampp server with latest versions and configured email as per you video, but still i didn't receive email notification

  • This is exactly what was required, Thank you…Shivam kumar

  • i install mantisbt on centos 7 and. now want to add email account setting how to do it will be same file changes or add any other file

  • HI Shivam Kumar , need your help on email configuration, followed your steps but still am struck with email configuration , could you please help me into it.
    This is my email id '

  • Why are you using 8086 port? Is it recommended by MantisBT devs?

  • Hi I configured everything mail was sent in mantisbt but i can't received in gmail pls help me

  • Hi……

    shivam kumar rai

    Iam following your method to install mantisbt and configuration where iam getting ERROR message….."This site cannot be reached"……….please tell me the solution to resolve……please replay soon…………Thank you………!!!!!!!!!

  • I was looking for the same info from past one week, but unable to gather them accurately, but you bud is a Savior, thanks , keep it up, you are doing a gud job

  • Great Video …In this part The email configuration video is very helpful…..which is started after the 12 min.

  • Great video Shivam Kumar Rai
    This video is very good and it's important for all setup for mantis bt and xampp email configuration..again thank's for creating this video..

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