How to Install Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo – Development Branch) on VMware | SYSNETTECH Solutions
This video shows you the steps of installing Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo – Development Branch) on a new virtual machine with VMware Workstation 16 Pro virtualization software on a Windows 10 64 Bit operating system installed on a laptop.
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What’s New in #Ubuntu 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo”
Two features that will not be used in this new release are GNOME 40 and GTK4. These changes were postponed until the next version 21.10.
Ubuntu 21.04 will make the folders private by default, and instead of allowing everyone to read other users’ folders by default, from now on these will have limited access.
Ubuntu 21.04 will be the first version to use Wayland by default and will be used on systems with NVIDIA graphics. With the development of Wayland integration, it is aimed that everyone will use this graphics server for the next LTS (22.04) version without any problems.
Ubuntu 21.04 is expected to use the Linux 5.11 Kernel and will also integrate with Python 3.9 installed and configured by default.
Support for ZFS drives will be improved and all applications included in this distribution will be updated to their most modern versions.
Ubuntu 21.04 Release Date
Currently, this new version can only be tested using daily distribution builds.
On February 25, Canonical will close the development of this version of Ubuntu and begin the debugging phase. On April 1, 2021, users will be able to get the new full version.
In this video tutorial, we installed the Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo – Development Branch) system on the #VMware virtual machine. One of the changes we experienced compared to the previous 20.10 version was instant system freezes. Of course, it would be unreasonable to comment too much, as this version is still in the testing phase.
Additionally, you can find the installation tutorial video of Ubuntu version 20.10 here:
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