How to Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Today, we’re installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a laptop! Join me for a walkthrough of the steps to download the ISO, flash it to a USB drive, select it from the boot menu, and install the OS.

Download Ubuntu here: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop

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40 thoughts on “How to Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  • I'm on Windows, for BalenaEtcher, do I pick the (Installer) or (Portable)??? No video on YouTube clarifies this.

  • I followed this video with 2 different flash drives and both are now write protected and can't get it off. A+ 😒🙄

  • Im doing it for like 10th time but it is still not working :(, can it be because Im installing it on too old computer ? thanks. (i3, 4GB, 64GB)

  • Mine, after restart stucked: attempting boot From Hard Drive

  • Thanks for this, it was very simple and straightforward, I really appreciate it.
    Unfortunately they file size has increased a bit since this video, so a 4gb flash is no longer sufficient.

  • what the f. thats why balena doesnt work becoz i download the linux, im on windows. omg it keeps destroying usb, it literally has no file on it not a single thing wtf i cant even format it again it said its protected. men everything i do always has a problem thats why i hate doing things myself. now it said damaged 2 of my usb omagad

  • After Restarting the pc there's a message appears, this message saying that there's no an operation system on the hard disk. So, there's any solution for my problem?

  • Hello! May I ask you anything?
    Is it possible to connect two monitors when Ubuntu 22.04 installed?

  • Mine is showing
    Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 882) Copyright (C) 1997-2888 Intel Corporation

    This Product is covered by one or more of the following patents: US5,387,459, US5,434,872, US5,732,894, US6,578,884, US6, 115, 776 and US6,327,625

    For Realtek RTL8111B/8111C/8111D Giga Ethernet Controller v2.28 (888826) PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable PXE-MOF: Exiting PXE ROM.

    Boot Failure

    Press any key to continue

  • downloaded etcher but it was not a zip it was iso & it would not open . anyone know how to get zip please

  • Whenever i restart my PC Ubuntu doesnt load in and i cant download it

  • I didnt get the option to connect to the internet. It went straight to updates and other software.

  • its honestly so fucking retarded that you have to use balena etcher to have a bootable usb it should be that you just need a iso

  • Nerd the man of the day, ty.
    If you're wondering if this works, yes it does.

  • I did everything like in a video, but checked the option to save windows system, now I can't open ubuntu and windows. A part of that, cmd tells me that it can't find C drive.

  • When I try to install ubuntu 22.04 on my windows 10 it didn't install an ISO file but a zip file with lots of other things. Is there any more steps to this?

  • I installed Ubuntu on a USB stick and I tried the demo to see what the OS looks like before properly installing on my PC. Out of the box, this system has no sound. Is this normal? I am reluctant to install on my PC.

  • I did this exact same procedure except my USB was formatted with Ventoy. Restarting the system gave me an “Operating System not found” message.

  • I am having trouble while installing it. Since it tells me to remove the installation medium and then press enter, then I did the same thing. I removed the USB and pressed Enter. But the bad thing is, when i followed what it told me, it just booted up the Windows 11 OS that was already installed. Is the installation having problems or is Ubuntu just not compatible with my device?

  • I m sooooo thankfulll to uuu Thank you so so muchhh

  • I install it but Why am I stuck at Gnu grub?? Please help

  • It booted up Ubuntu from my usb. I can see the jelly fish background. I can move my mouse and even change the volume over my keyboard, but it does not show the install window.

  • Sir I cannot open boot menu.
    I'm using lenovo laptop and It do not show lenovo logo also while turning on

  • I need this only for my course I am willing to take. Does it work precisely like windows in terms of applications availability? do I permanently lose my wind 11 if I install this?

  • What if I want to run Windows again? Can I switch between those two OSes each time when I turn on my PC?

  • Hi
    I just bought a used Thinkpad T470s. I noticed that it's not on the Ubuntu list of certified laptops list. Should I still attempt to install Ubuntu? Thanks all

  • Before ubuntu was loading what is that black screen where it is written SGX DISABLED BY BIOS

  • I was trying to see how to install second hard drive from the installation process instead of later

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