how to install ubuntu on android phone
Commands is given below:👇👇
…………….it is single command……….
pkg update -y && pkg install curl proot tar -y && curl | bash
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Stay anonymous on android using orbot (FIRST STEP OF H@CKING)
link is here 👇👇
Hello! Geeks,
Welcome here; If you are looking for How to ubuntu cli interface in termux easily on android, then you are at right place and you should see this video till last.
In this video, i explain all the process of How to Ubuntu Cli in android✅.
You can learn to do install ubuntu cli without rooting android in this video.This is very simple and easy steps.You need just follow the steps and than you are able install ubuntu cli without any issues.🚫
If you wanna learn about termux basics then link are givrn below…..👇👇
Termux basics👇👇
Termux Advance Tool opt bypass or h@cking👇👇