How TO install UBUNTU On M1/ M2 Mac NATIVELY || RUN Ubuntu On Bare Metal On Apple Silicon MAC

You can run Ubuntu ARM64 on a bare metal or Natively on an M1 or M2 Mac. Install Ubuntu On Any Compatible MAC W/ Apple Silicon. This video will walk you through the entire install process. Watch Review Video of ubuntu running on apple silicon Mac Natively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM966ZM1wms

*Note* – By the time of making this video, Ubuntu is in the early stage, don’t expert everything to be working Fine. Some of the issues I have encountered include GPU hardware acceleration (Only 22.04 had that issue), FaceTime Camera, Microphone, Sound from internal speakers (works With Bluetooth Devices and 3.5 MM head Jack ) are not working

****** So proceed at your OWN RISK ****
*Helpful Links*
~ *Check Out My Website*: http://kskroyal.com
~ *Github Source* – https://github.com/tobhe/ubuntu-asahi
~ *Buy Me A Coffee* – http://buymeacoffee.com/kskroyal
*Useful Videos to Watch*
Install Asahi Linux On M1 or M2 Mac Step-By-Step ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoszrV0TG3U
Install Rocky Linux ON M1 Mac With UTM ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTOcxlHm_u8
Install ubuntu On m1 Mac ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WWj6qoWhJw
Install ChromeOS Flex On Any PC / Laptop ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxDQRKqRJ_M



21 thoughts on “How TO install UBUNTU On M1/ M2 Mac NATIVELY || RUN Ubuntu On Bare Metal On Apple Silicon MAC

    Correction – After installing ubuntu , the first time you boot , don't forget to update repositories and the Grub..

    sudo apt update
    sudo update-grub

  • I am wondering if I can hook an EGPU with Ubuntu linux since the drivers will be available

  • Thank you for this video. New to Linux and you didn’t skip a single step and explained it all the way through. 🤘🏻🤘🏻

  • how can I download it on external driver instead of internal driver?

  • how is this related to ubuntu itself? will it get updates? i see the source code on github hasnt been touched for like half a year.

  • does this image support minecraft bedrock for arm?
    i tried win11(parallel desktop), and it would cause screen tear.
    i dont know how to say…
    the cursor will move strangely.

  • The installer says that the given amount of memory will be resized for macOS and the rest goes to Ubuntu, but when I tried to resize 250GB (which, logically goes for macOS) it goes for Ubuntu. So the explanation in the installer is incorrect and also you can't resize less than 249GB for Ubuntu

  • Can you make a video for Kali On M1 ? I am a penetration tester it's really hard to do it on VMware fusion or UTM.

  • I successfully installed Asahi on my m2 MacBook Air, but when I follow your step to shut down the computer and start it up there’s no Asahi option that I can choose it only shows mac’s system
    How can I do😢

  • For some reason I can't adjust the brightness on Ubuntu. Also, who knows how to make it so that instead of Ctrl there is a command?

  • Great vid. I think some of the issues could be fixed by installing some additional drivers. 🙂

  • Why am I getting a grub entering recovery mode every time I reboot ?

  • I'm temporarily downloading this for the course "Operating System" there Ubuntu with Linux OS is needed. After some time, can I return back? Because 1 have 1 Tb and almost all space is used for just this course which makes me very angry "Resizing will free up 879.48 GB of space". Can I remove this all 879.48 installing thing later on? Is it easy to remove it fully? If yes, is it just deleting in GUI or by terminal

  • but you can't install x86 or x86-64 ubuntu on mac m1 or m2 right?

  • Why do you need to do this?
    MacOS is a UNIX, same as Linux. Everything you get on Linux, you can get on MacOS

  • Hi, I have a MacBook pro 2023 and it says my device is not supported yet. Is the another way to install Linux dual boot on my machine ?

  • @kskroyaltech What do you think about installing ubuntu on apple silicon and then installing windows on ubuntu?

    Better performance than parallels?

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