How to Install Ubuntu on VMware / PC
Download the Ubuntu ISO file from the official Ubuntu website.
Download and install VMware Workstation 17 Pro from the VMware website.
Open VMware and click “Create a New Virtual Machine.”
Choose “Typical” and click “Next.”
Select “Installer disc image file iso” and browse the Ubuntu ISO file.
Choose “Linux” as the guest OS and select the specific Ubuntu version e.g., Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
Name your virtual machine and choose its location.
Allocate RAM and CPU cores 2GB RAM and 2 CPUs are recommended
Select a virtual disk type e.g., SATA, and specify its size. A 50GB minimum is recommended
Ensure the CD/DVD device is connected to the Ubuntu ISO file.
Start the Installation:
Click “Finish” to create the virtual machine.
Power on the virtual machine and follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu.
Configure Additional Settings:
Set up your keyboard layout, language, and user account.
Choose your installation type “Normal” or “Minimal”
Partition the virtual disk if needed.
Please continue with the installation and wait for it to complete.
Install VMware Tools Optional:
After installation, install VMware Tools for enhanced performance and features.
In the virtual machine, navigate to “Devices” and “Install VMware Tools.”
Follow the on-screen instructions to install and configure VMware Tools.
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