21 thoughts on “How To Install Ubuntu Server 20.04 in Virtualbox

  • everytime i try to select bridged adapter, vm fails to power up, but works fine on NAT. why?

  • Can you please write out the command line for i.e sudo apt update: sudo apt upgrade i dont know the symbol you write after this

  • Is better use the comandos ( to realize a minimal instalation (interface only): sudo apt-get install mate-core (apps included): sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment) to install graphic interface. But the tutorial is verry good, helped me, more one like

  • This is the most helpful video I've found, thank you for the ti about the IPv4 i had to update virtual box to get the IPv4 to match!

  • If you get a "Kernel Panic error" on installation, just be sure to have at least 2 processors. that's it.

  • A punnet of thanks to you for this excellent tutorial. Your ineluctable confidence and experience gave me the confidence to install the server version. Thank you so much! Garsoon coffee!

  • Thank you so so much for this video, it is both fast and super easy to follow, great stuff <3

  • Thanks for the video, it helped me a lot. I faced a problem during the installation of the 22.04 LTS. I had to change the number of processors to 2, instead of just 1 as configured by default.

  • thanks for the video. How do I install web server , FTP server ,DHCP Server ?

  • Hey can we get full screen resolution in ubuntu server by installing virtual box guest addition?

  • hello what the difference between the 22 the last version ?

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