How to Install Windows 10 on an M.2 SSD (NVMe or AHCI)

Learn how to configure your BIOS and install UEFI Windows on an M.2 NVMe or AHCI SSD. This video covers the Samsung SM951 using an ASUS x99 Deluxe motherboard; however, this process is exactly the same for all M.2 drives including, but not limited to the Samsung 960 Pro, 960 EVO, 950 Pro, OCZ RD400, and XP941, with only slight variations by motherboard. Always refer to your motherboard manual for any special M.2 configuration that may be required. By disabling the CSM module Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver. You must use a UEFI Bootable version of Windows. Your Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created a UEFI Bootable DVD. M.2 AHCI and NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Even then, the M.2 will only appear as a drive listed under your bootable device list. In nearly all cases it won’t appear anywhere else in your BIOS. When loading windows if your drive doesn’t show-up, then go download the drivers for your M.2 SSD and place those drivers on your USB stick. When the Windows installer loads click the option to “Load Driver” and browse the stick for your driver file(s). Your drive should appear in the list of available hard drives after doing this.

Create a UEFI Bootable Windows 8.1 or 10 USB Stick

Create a UEFI Bootable Windows 7 USB Stick (CSM must be enabled for Windows 7)
Note: You must have CSM (compatibility support module enabled if you’re installing Windows 7 with boot from PCIe set as the first option). Also, if your M.2 is not “Clean” then you may need to load drivers in order for your Win7 installer to see the drive. In this case download the NVMe drivers from here

Everything you need to know about UEFI


how to repair windows 7

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