How to install XAMPP on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 + Apache server not starting error fixed(2021)
How to install XAMPP on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 | Apache server not starting error fixed | How to install XAMPP local host
This video gives an in-depth tutorial on how to install XAMPP on Ubuntu 20.04. In addition it also contains the Apache Server Address already in use error fix.
Download links:
XAMPP for Linux (php 8.0.3):
1. To navigate to downloaded file. For eg if your file is in the Downloads folder(which is the default location for download)
$ cd Downloads/
2. To see the file permissions
$ ls -l file-name
3. To run the executable file
$ sudo ./file-name
Note: sudo gives administrator/root access so you will be prompted to enter your password. Enter your password and press enter.
4. To open the XAMPP control panel
a. Navigate to /opt/lampp directory
$ cd /opt/lampp
b. List files
$ ls
c. Find
d. Run the file
$ sudo ./
7. To handle the Address already in use error; Stop the apache server
$ sudo service apache2 stop
by Rajendra Patel
linux web server