How To Install Zabbix Server 6.0 On Centos 8
How To Install Zabbix Server 6.0 On Centos 8
Now I want to share How To Install Zabbix Server 6.0 On Centos 8
Note: default database file location change
zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/server.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix
#How_To_Install #Zabbix_Server_6_0 #Centos_8
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How To Install Zabbix Server 6.0 On Centos 8
Does Zabbix 6.2 requires zabbix server to be installed ?? In the documentation it only says proxy, agent , agent2 and java gateway… does it mean it does not need zabbix server ??
Does Zabbix 6.2 requires zabbix server to be installed ?? In the documentation it only says proxy, agent , agent2 and java gateway… does it mean it does not need zabbix server ??
zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/create.sql.gz | mysql -uroot -p zabbix_db
it shows :
gzip: /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/create.sql.gz: No such file or directory
Hi – I have an issue that the create.sql.gz file is missing – no matter if it is ubuntu
or CentOS
The create.sql.gz file is missing
Thank you for your video, I install step by step, when I Configure DB connection, I had error (cannot connect to the database.
Unable to determine current Zabbix database version: the table "dbversion" was not found.)
What about update zabbix 5.0 to zabbix 6.0 on Centos 7?
thank you so much, you have saved my time and day for installing the Zabbix .. keep it up