How to make Ubuntu Dock look like Mac Dock ?
This video tutorial is all about How to make Ubuntu Dock look like Mac Dock.
#dockbar #ubuntudock #dock
Note : This video tutorial is only for educational purpose only.
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Terimakasih banyak sangat membantu dan menjadi keren
very good!!! thanksss
Thank for making this customization very easy for a beginner.👍
Thank you good sir!
I am unable to install gnome-tweaks
It shows error as : unable to locate packages gnome-tweaks
Please help TT
Thank you so much dear
where did you download the wallpaper?
Thx brodie🙏🙌
Should not i install dash to dock extension first to do this customisation?
Thank you so much for your help
Hola saludos desde Guatemala CA, EXECELENTE VIDEO.
Thank you
Wonderful solution for me…you dont need update any themes from the internet
Thank You for the tutorial!!
Thanks that is work
Great Tutorial……Thanks
thanks bro
Thanks yoy
Great video,
Thank you.
Thank you <3
I cant thank you enough. Thank you so much.
May I ask how you added the vertical line in the dock separating the apps ?
Thank you
How to transparent the top bar?
Thank you brother ❣️
thanks a lot brother
Thank you! It's just a pity it does not have the animation Mac OS has, when we mouse over. But, let's hope that feature will come one day.