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How To Migrate Your WordPress Website Quickly & For Free!

Learn how to migrate your WordPress website for free using an older version of all-in-one wp migration. Even if your website is 12GB!!! In this tutorial, I show you how I migrate a 12GB website with a few clicks on a button. The end result is that I have an exact clone of my current website. The migration is simple, free, and legal.

00:00 Intro
00:22 Export Your WordPress Website Using All-In-One WP Migration
02:57 GPL V3 License
03:46 Download All In One WP Migration
04:39 Import Your (Big) WordPress Website


by Ferdy Korpershoek

linux ftp command

35 thoughts on “How To Migrate Your WordPress Website Quickly & For Free!

  • Hi friend, thanks for mentioning me! I’m happy you liked my video and custom adjustments and I hope your viewers also can appreciate it! Have a awesome day and I see you soon!

  • You are the man! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. Cheers!

  • This plugin always stuck at 80% for larger website. My site is about 140MB in total. The backup progress always stuck at 80 ish%.

  • One more time you have teach me something very helpfull my friend. Since i started following you my life and work became easier. Thanks a lot. This tutorial worked for me perfectly…

  • Couldn't see it in the video but do plugins come imported as well or do we need to download those again?

  • This seems to keep as a WordPress site – how do you convert this to a Google site so it’s easier for non tech to maintain content?

  • Do not know if this question is asked before, but does this also works with a woocommerce website? Do you not get database errors on the woocommerce products?

  • Tried this plugin. Wouldn't import anything to the new server. Any more brilliant ideas, genius?

  • My import got stuck at "Checking extensions compatibility" for half an hour already… And below it says "Please don't close this browser or the import will fail". Any advice on what to do?

  • But you must have a paid plan of WP to install ANY plugin. It's NOT free.

  • Thanks ferdy. It really works amazing and made my work so easy. Thanks alot again 🎉

  • Is this guaranteed to work? I'm importing about 2gb. I just hope it works after it processes completely. Is there anything that needs to be done with the sql database?

  • Hello and thank u for the video
    But when I put in my URL/migrate , it shown me ( the page not found) and do not redirected to google draft , how to fix it ?

  • Ferdie thank you for introduction to this app; I have been using the Duplicator app but this seems too easy to be true. But my question has to do with dns servers. Do you have to manually change them on your host to point to the new domain? BTW my website was built using Divi.

  • Thank you for the video, I am not a coder, I am exporting my web right now, hopefully
    I didnt make a mess of my website

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