How to mine Zephyr on Windows & HiveOS | New algorithmic privacy stablecoin | Zephyr Mining

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▶️ Zephyr Wallet: https://github.com/ZephyrProtocoI/zephyr/releases/tag/v1.0.0
▶️ Pool – https://zephyr.herominers.com/
▶️ HiveOS: https://hiveos.farm/?ref=185631

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Shop Amazon: https://geni.us/5tNBqj (PAID LINK)

Trading/Taking Profits?
✅MEXC Global Trading: https://bit.ly/3CqnyrL
✅Gate.IO: https://www.gate.io/signup/9865871
✅SimpleSwap: https://simpleswap.io/?ref=a4de29a6396e
✅Power Mining Discord – / https://discord.com/invite/wRiVuplERc

Server PSUs/Breakout Boards:
Shop Ebay: https://ebay.us/2eeUfW (Referral Link May Earn Commission)

Solo Bitcoin Miners: https://bit.ly/3V04Ahh

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TRUSTED Crypto Mining Shops
APEX: http://bit.ly/3WNYGAD
NHash: http://bit.ly/3C3CY4j
Miner Bros: http://bit.ly/3YPqXcq
BT-Miners: http://bit.ly/3WGuLdW
BelayMining: http://bit.ly/3hVo0q8
Evergreen Chia: http://bit.ly/3IznqYj
Ipollo: http://bit.ly/3C63Hgp
CASA Miners: http://bit.ly/3WGiUg2
BeeLink https://shrsl.com/3thv3
Power Meter Boxes https://www.themeterbox.com/rabidmining

#cpumining #CRYPTO #cryptocurrency


by Power Mining

linux foundation

8 thoughts on “How to mine Zephyr on Windows & HiveOS | New algorithmic privacy stablecoin | Zephyr Mining

  • Well they are installed and running, a pair of 16 core xeon E5 2697A V4.. best hash I can get is with 49 threads, Intel tdp limit puts the chips at 3.09Ghz, pulling 13,251.6 H/s 👌 😅

  • Hey dude, thanks for the tutorial. How does it affect your electricity bill?

  • Can you do a beginner video how to get Zephyr from my Zeph wallet to another exchange where i can swap or sell the coins ? I tried already MEXC and Kraken but i have no idea how this works….. Thank you very much!

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