How To Mount NTFS Windows Partition In Ubuntu Linux In Write Mode
How to mount ntfs windows drive / partition in ubuntu linux in write mode.
In this video, I am showing the best solution of the problem : Unable to access Windows Volume in Linux. [Problem i.e. mostly encountered by users].
The fix works…but the video is extremely low resolution, and hard to read what is on the screen.
Thanks a lot dude!
This is a false advertisement title, the title matches not what you show, it should be titled how to fix a Windows partition "after" it has been mounted. What a waste of time! 🙁
sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda3
thank you!
thanks guy you saved me
Works perfectly
Yeah but still in read only mode….
but still i cannot delete, cut or paste any thing in the partition needs help??
Thank you So much
btw you need root permission sometimes.Great video!!!
Thank you very much…..It's worked…
Thank you so much.. I've been trying to solve this issue for like hours. finally resolved 🙂
Thank you bro..It's working
Thank you , it work perfectly
thax der
Awesome guide, thanks alot😅 and i need to delete some file from my windows folder how to do that .