How to move or import Access data into Excel

Microsoft Access is the primary tool for those who want to create and manage a database, and arguably, there is none better. Now, there may come a time when a person might want to export their Access information to Microsoft Excel, so is that possible?

Import Access Data into Excel

Import data from Access Data Database into Excel

The simple answer to that is a resounding yes, and luckily for you, were going to discuss how to get the job done in the best and easiest way. Bear in mind that we are using Access and Excel from Microsoft Office 365, so if you’re using an older version, things might not work in the same manner. So open an Excel spreadsheet and:

  1. Select the Data menu
  2. Next, click on Get Data
  3. Select From Database
  4. Click on From Microsoft Access Database
  5. Add your Access information to Excel.

Let us talk about this from a more detailed perspective.

Select the Data menu

The first thing you will want to do here is to make sure your Microsoft Access file is saved on your computer’s hard drive. From there, fire up Microsoft Excel and be sure to click on the section of the Ribbon that says Data.

It is very important that you click on Data and nothing else, so keep that in mind before moving forward.

Click on From Microsoft Access Database

OK, so the next thing you will want to do here, is to select where you want to collect your data from. Since we’re talking about Microsoft Access, you will be required to click on the Get data as shown in the image above.

After making that selection, please go on ahead and click on From Database, then From Microsoft Access Database located via the dropdown menu.

Add your Access information to Excel

Once you’ve done what we’ve laid out above, you should see a small window appear within Microsoft Excel. Use it to locate and select your Access file, and right away after opening, another window will pop up. Be sure to click on one of the tables via the left-side of the window, then hit the button below that says Load.

When that is done, the information should automatically appear in your Excel document. From there, go on ahead and save it for future references.

Import Access Data into Excel

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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