How to move Taskbar to the Top on Windows 11 using Reigstry Editor
Although PC users can change the Windows 10 Taskbar location using Windows Settings, Windows 11 users need to use the Registry Editor to move Taskbar to the top. Here is how you can do that on Windows 11 PC.
Although icons are center-aligned, Windows 11 displays the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen like Windows 10/8/7. However, there could be times when you might want to move the Taskbar or change your Taskbar location for any reason. Earlier, it was possible to move the Taskbar to the top, left, or right using Windows Settings. However, that particular option is no longer available in Windows 11 Settings panel. That is why you have to use the Registry Editor to get the job done.
Before changing any value in Registry Editor, don’t forget to create a System Restore point.
How to move Taskbar to the Top on Windows 11
To move the Taskbar to the Top on Windows 11 you need to tweak the Registry as follows:
- Press Win+R to open the Run dialog.
- Type regedit and press the Enter button.
- Click on the Yes option.
- Go to MMStuckRects3 in HKKCU.
- Double-click on the Settings REG_BINARY value.
- Set the Value data of 00000008 in the FE column to 01.
- Click the OK button.
- Restart Explorer.
One thing to know that, when you move the Taskbar to the top, the Start Menu will automatically open from the top-left side.
Anyway, to get started, you have to open Registry Editor on your computer. For that, press Win+R to display the Run dialog, type regedit, and press the Enter button.
If you find the UAC prompt, click on the Yes option. Next, navigate to the following path:
In the MMStuckRects3 key, you can see a REG_BINARY value named Settings. Double-click on it.
Here you can find some rows and columns full of different values. You have to look for 00000008 row and FE column.
By default, it should be set to 03. You have to put your cursor after that value, use the Delete key to remove it, and enter 01.
By entering 01, you are moving the Taskbar from the bottom to the top of your screen. However, it doesn’t work if you enter 02 or 04.
Click the OK button to save the change. Then, press Ctrl+Alt+Del, and select the Task Manager option. In the Task Manager, choose Windows Explorer, and click the Restart button to restart Explorer on Windows 11.
After that, you can find the Taskbar at the top of your screen.
To revert the change, you have to open the same REG_BINARY in Registry Editor and set the Value data as 01.
That’s all! Hope this guide helped.
Read: How to change Taskbar size on Windows 11.