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How to ping through a specific port

This video shows how to ping an IP or hostname using a specific port. This is great for troubleshooting problems with email scanning – if you can do this on the client computer to the SMTP server, this means your xerox machine can connect to the SMTP server.


by The Xerox Guy

linux smtp server

9 thoughts on “How to ping through a specific port

  • I'm sorry, this isn't the same as ping. Ping will retry the connection every second creating a heartbeat. Telnet creates a connection to the server – which can timeout. So to simulate ping, you'd need to telnet to an address + port, disconnect, sleep 1, then loop.

  • So what can you do when the telnet session is sucessful? Can you run commands from the screen that shows you have connected succesfully?

  • Don't enable telnet without knowing what you are doing. It is not secure.

  • How do I download and use TCPing please?

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