linux ftp serverLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How to Properly Setup FTP Server on Windows 11

Here’s how to set up a file server on Windows 11. Follow this guide to create your own FTP server on Windows 11 operating system.

PRODUCTS IN THIS VIDEO (affiliate links):
Screencast-O-Matic (screen recording) ➤
Microphone Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB ➤
Aokeo AK-36 Microphone Stand ➤
HP OMEN Gaming Desktop PC ➤


by AvoidErrors

linux ftp server

40 thoughts on “How to Properly Setup FTP Server on Windows 11

  • there is No "Internet Service information" option in my win 11 pro's windows tools "/

  • Win 11 FTP server: An excellent video that summarizes procedure and instructions in a brief, thorough and easily understood tutorial.

  • Very clear, concise step-by-step guide to setting up an FTP server on Win 11. Best guide video out there – highly recommended.

  • Hi I could set up FTP server and access it via LAN… but not from WAN… my Router is a bit different … I shall give in all the detailed information: FTP ✅ / Protocol TCP ✅ / Aktion from both side allowed ✅

    Local port Remote port ⁉⁉/ local IP address and Remote IP Address ⁉⁉

    could you tell me how to properly config it? I would appreciate it.

  • In my computer "computer management" there isn't any feature as "local users & groups" ? can you help with !!!

  • Does these steps work with Win 11 familly ???😭😭😰😨😧

  • Thanks it worked ,and for people who couldnt find create user, please search for user in windows search bar and create user from there, select i dont have credentials for the person and then it will redirect you to create local user.

  • Great video, followed all the instructions exactly and of course as usual, it didn't work, I cannot log in either on the my computer or another one on the LAN. This is why Windows and the majority of you so called computer network specialists SUCK. There is probably some other setting somewhere that was not mentioned in the tutorial but somehow everyone was supposed to just automatically know about it. OMFG.

  • When I click IIS, there is a blank window with nothing on it. I’m following exactly from your video. What happens?

  • pretty pointless if it doesn't explain how to use SSL.

  • I'm not able to login on my network. It says the user or pass is invalid when I know it's not. Please help

  • Thankyou so much sir for you provide this information and video

  • do you have to do the thing with your router/moden?
    it doesn't seem like I have the same options on the firewall tab with my shaw fibre+ gateway modem

  • I can only access from separate device if firewall is off, even within same network. I've allowed all the ftp related services in the firewall but still nothing. Anyone know what to do?

  • hI- So what could be the issue if the password will not work? I am 100% it is the right one

  • I don't see the user name in the folder security tab 😕 help me

  • I've done everything as it is. But I am not able to access the server i made from my phone

  • FTP using filezilla latest version? can you a drop a tut?

  • Winblows 11 isn't letting me enable the FTP service/FTP extensibility features for some idiotic reason so it ends with an error and asking me to reboot to undo changes. I guess it's FileZilla for me then, which sucks, because the last time I tried to use it the speeds and connectivity were abysmal.

  • cannot access ftp folder for some reason 🙁

  • I don't seem to have the 'Local Users & Groups' in my computer management section, is there a way to get that to appear?

  • Hello, I had FTP Server running on Windows 10. I recently made an upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Now, on my other laptop/pc, I am unable access the files. Is there any fix for this?

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