How to Remotely Turn On Your PC over Internet
Do you want to turn on your computer from anywhere via the Internet. If you want, watch this video
1. Enable Wake on LAN feature on Windows 10
2. Router configuration
– IP & MAC Binding
– Port Forwarding : 9
3. Dynamic DNS
4. Enable Wake on LAN in BIOS or UEFI
5. WOL Client
Keyboard Razer
Please HELP ME 10K subscribers
#bth #wol
by BTH
windows server dns forwarder
200 steps to do this
In Linux 2 steps
Thx for the ip address
For me it only works if I wake it up from the same WIFI. If I try to turn it on through 5G or another WIFI connection it does not work. That is weird
Only work with ethernet is it
As mentioned in comments if PC is sleeping or hibernating it can not run the update ip client 🙈
It worked better with the port 7 for me
does it turn the pc on if its off or jus wake it if suspend/hibernating?
1. The Setting wake on LAN in Windows is for sleeping PCs. Not for shutdown ones. So you can even skip this step. When the PC is turned on by wol of the BIOS the operating system does Not Care how it is turned on. It will Just Boot as Always.
2. How is your DNS supposed to be updated when the PC is Shut down? If you got a Provider who Updates your Public IP every 24h (Like 99% of the world) you won't be able to Turn on this PC after 25h. A better solution is to Install the Update Client on a PC/Server/IoT which is constantly connected and turned on. Or even better solution: good Routers also Support DynDNS. Let the Router Update the DNS. For both of the solutions you are Sure your DNS is Always updated, so you can Always Turn on the PC.
i stopped in very beginning step, there is no power management in my ethernet configuration
i try in regedit, but nothing
please help me
it could turn on if the computer ever turned on. if i had not unplaged the power then it could not turn on?
So i can use to Wake up my Work P.C from home or vs versa using this??
Or is this Only if on same network…which is not useful for me
i dont think i can activate it on BIOS since i cannot get to the advanced settings, my pc: HP Laptop 16-e0xxx
LOL. So one problem is that the dynamic IP update client is shown here, fatally, to be installed on the computer that would probably be powered off when the IP address is changed by the ISP. So if that happens, sending a magic packet on port 9 to the computer will go to an out of date IP address! Fail. 2 workarounds:- keep the computer on permamently which rubishes this procdure, or better to see if the router has a dynamic IP address client embedded in the firmware accesed through the web page.
remote desktop with only 3 letter password.
I have an Republic of Gamers Asus Gaming Laptop but it doesn't have any setup whatsoever for setting the power! So, with that missing there's no way of waking up your PC.
network & local lan network remote, monitering how. please any one lan moniter ing software, with video🎥
my pc boots up if I shut it down and impudently start it but if it's more the 30 mins it doesn't work pls help
I followed every step but it doesn't work… It says "Magic Packet Sent To …" and the IP address is the same as the one in Dynu in the target compuetr, but it doesn't turn it on. Can you help me out?
Thanks bác nhiều nha em đã làm đc rùi ^^. Mà ở chỗ add thêm port em thấy nó cảnh báo là dễ bị hack thì có làm sao kh nhỉ bác.
What if you want to wake a pc from your android phone?
In Realtek pci control prop
There is no power management option only 4 options are there. Plz help to resolve it.
what about Linux ???