How To Repair Infected Master Boot Record MBR – Windows 10/8/7

Repair Infected Master Boot Record (MBR)

How to repair a damaged or corrupted master boot record (MBR).

For what ever reason you may need to write a new MBR, so in this video I will show you how to write a new MBR with MbrFix in Hiren’s Boot CD. Its a simple job to do once you know how. Sometimes your MBR may be infected by a Rootkit and your need to rewrite a new MBR.

Issues addressed in this tutorial:
Repair master boot record
Repair master boot record (mbr) in Windows 10
Repair master boot record external hard drive
Repair master boot record MBR
Repair master boot record Windows 10
Repair the master boot record

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 operating systems. Works for all major computer manufactures (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung).


how to repair windows 10

6 thoughts on “How To Repair Infected Master Boot Record MBR – Windows 10/8/7

  • Hi 🙂 My 2 TB external hard drive has some virus that fills the available space. No matter how much space I create erasing folders Explorer shows almost no available space once I turn off-on the machine. Antivirus bounce back from the external drive without checking files beyond 2 in two seconds. Windows 10, 16 gigs RAM, i7 notebook. I want to ask you for the same commands procedure you described in the video but for an external drive E: Any help will be much apreciated.

  • The Boot /fixboot was denied for me. Any suggestions?

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