How to Repair Rust on Your Car Without Welding (No Special Tools Needed)
Rust removal and repair. Repairing rust on your car is something that should be done quickly to prevent it from spreading. It can be easily done without welding, by using strong but inexpensive body filler. You can even paint the car yourself. Rust repair is common at the wheel wells and rocker panels of cars and in this video I show the proper and most thorough way to remove and repair rust.
Glass Filler:
Gold Filler:
Adhesive Remover:
Spot Putty:
Body Patch Mesh:
Dust Mask:
Sanding Block:
Rust Converter:
Rubberized Undercoating:
Filler Primer:
Color Matching Paint:
Power Tools:
Rust Remover Disc:
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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix. This video was supported by 3M and all opinions are my own. I use 3M products for my projects so this was a perfect fit for a rust repair video!
how to repair windows 7
bro you just earned a new subscriber!
If I don't have time to finish it all in one day, can I leave the filler a couple days before painting?
The best part about Chris fix is his videos don’t contain ads
That way you wouldn't get an TÜV (inspection) in Germany. Something like that has to be cut out and re-welded in 😉 Despite that, good work 👌
Man, I've watched and used this video on 2 cars now!
First one was a 1999 Toyota Tercel with rotted out rockers! With the help of this video i repaired a pretty bad rot spot in the metal rockers!
Now in doing it with my 2009 Honda civc! She has rotted out rocker panels! Luckily she only spent 5 years in rhe rust built! So shes still pretty clean underneath so its worth repairing the rockers!
11:05 why did you turned on one of us 😅
Jak tego nie robić. W USA wszystko robią na odpi@rdol. Niesamowite siatka do kartongiosu robi auto XD cały błotnik jest do wycięcia
Looks so much easier on video 😭
The clear coat that dried up didn’t come off, is there anything I can do?
You sir are an artist
That ain't bad very interesting mechanics. I never knew it was that easy to fix rust and ..just spray paint it to cured-new.
That ain't bad very interesting mechanics.
Bro I’m just trying to fix little rust spots😂
I have a feeling this wint help my rust situation, my 32 year old camaro has the swiss cheese floor pans 👍
Awesome video! I have a small hole thats formed above my wheel well and I’ve been looking for something to fix it while fixing the rust too! Very good detailed instructions thank you!
The auto stores near me have discontinued bondo gold filler, how critical is this element ? Is there a suggested alternative?
Man i need that job here in NY
Looks professional too me
Question – If you have a roof rust on a vehicle , and cannot get inside, in between roof to get all the rust out , because you can't access it , even if you remove headliners, is there any suggestion? I have 2003 Tahoe and removed roof rack because of rust coming from bolts for roof rack and already tried to fix it once, any help would be awesome, Thanks
How long in between paint and clear coat???