How to repair windows 7 and fix corrupt CD/DVD (tutorial) || startup repair laptop problem || Arif

how to repair windows 7
Windows 7 kaise repair kare
startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically
technology computer

These tools, grouped as System Recovery Options, can help you recover the Windows system from errors or restore your computer to a previous restore point.

System Recovery Options contains the following tools available:

Startup Repair. Startup Repair automatically scans your hard disk for errors and tries to fix the errors.

System Restore. System Restore can restore your computer to a previous restore point, if System Restore was enabled and a restore point was created.

Complete PC Restore or System Image Recovery.Complete PC Restore is available for Windows Vista systems (except the Windows Vista Home editions) and System Image Recovery is available for Windows 7 systems.

Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. This tool scan your computer’s memory for errors.

Command Prompt. System Recovery Options allows you to access Command Prompt and run various command-line specific commands, such as bootrec or diskpart.

Depending on your Windows version, System Recovery Options can already be installed on your computer.

If these tools aren’t installed, you can access System Recovery Options with the original installation CD/DVD or USB (the media you used to install Windows). On most Windows 7 systems, these tools are already installed, while on Windows Vista systems are not.

To check if you have System Recovery Options installed, follow these following steps


Hashmi bhai
Arif Hashmi


how to repair windows 7

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