how to run python ubuntu

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Title: Running Python on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language with a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution, provides a robust environment for running Python applications. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of running Python on Ubuntu, covering installation, setting up a virtual environment, and running a simple Python script.
Before running Python on Ubuntu, you need to make sure it’s installed. Open a terminal and run the following commands:
This installs Python 3, the latest version of Python at the time of this tutorial. You can verify the installation by running:
Using virtual environments helps manage dependencies for different projects. To create a virtual environment, follow these steps:
Your terminal prompt should change to indicate that the virtual environment is active. To deactivate the virtual environment later, simply run:
Now that Python is installed and a virtual environment is set up (if desired), let’s create a simple Python script. Using a text editor of your choice, create a file named hello.py with the following content:
With your Python script ready, you can execute it from the terminal:
You should see the output: “Hello, Ubuntu and Python!” printed on the screen.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up Python on Ubuntu, created a virtual environment (if desired), and executed a simple Python script. This tutorial provides a foundation for further exploration into Python development on Ubuntu, including installing packages, working with libraries, and building more complex projects. Happy coding!


by CodeStack

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