How to Send Email from Linux using SendMail Hindi 2021 💯 | MPrashant
#linux #mprashant #linuxsendmail
How to send email on Linux using SendMail Hindi | 2021
In this video I have shown how to use sendmail service on Linux to send email outside. I have used google smtp service to send emails.
Before start make sure your Linux is connected to internet.
Commands to refer:
To install all the required packages
# yum install procmail mailx sendmail sendmail-cf -y
In your authinfo file, you need to add the below line (Please make sure to use your own username and password) “U:your_username” “P:your_password” “M:PLAIN”
Changes in
define(`SMART_HOST’, `’)
Update and authinfo.db file
# m4 ‘closing_angle_bracket’
# makemap hash authinfo ‘opening_angle_bracket’ authinfo
Restart your sendmail service
# systemctl restart/start sendmail
To send mail
# mail -s “Subject”
Ctrl + D
Ignore the below tag
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by M Prashant
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