Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How To Set Up A Transmission Bittorrent Server On Linux

Downloading torrents on the Linux desktop is helpful in a pinch, but those looking to download a lot more data should consider setting up a remote torrent system on a server instead. In this tutorial, we’ll be focusing on setting up a remote system with Transmission, as it is the easiest to set up. More info


by AddictiveTipsTV

linux web server

8 thoughts on “How To Set Up A Transmission Bittorrent Server On Linux

  • So this isn't a bittorrent server it's a bittorrent client running on a server, as in it doesn't serve bittorrents, it downloads them. Correct?

  • still works in 2022, got it set up in 15 minutes, thanks for the tutorial :DD

  • hey, i have a little problem
    the transmission-daemon is running but i can't connect to it via the web browser, any help ?

  • Works straight forward! So simple to set up and get it up and running. 👍

  • I am unable to get the service to start. I see that there is an error. =[

  • Ah, this worked for me! Until I found this video I was struggling. It is surprising how many ways you can get the permissions wrong with this install. Thanks!

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