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How to Setup Automatic Cloud Backup Using FTP for Windows and Linux Systems

In this video, I have shown the process of setting up automatic ENCRYPTED cloud backup using FTP for Windows and Linux systems. This is a scheduled automatic backup process. For setting up, I have used Cobian Backup 11 for Windows and Inbuilt Ubuntu Backup utility with the help of another system software: curlftpfs. Using Cobian Backup, we can select folders for which we want to enable cloud backup. You can view the further settings in the video. Similarly, on Linux, we have to select directories for backup. The most beautiful part of this process is, we can store encrypted backup to maintain data privacy.

As I said earlier, I have used Cobian Backup for Windows, You can download the same from the below link.

You can download/install curlftpfs and backup utility for Linux from the below link.
curlftpfs Installation command:
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
yum install curlftpfs
Download Backup Utility (Déjà Dup):

fstab entry for automatic mounting of FTP location:
curlftpfs#ftpUser:ftpPassword@ftpServerIP /backup/directory fuse auto,user,uid=1000,allow_other,_netdev 0 0

Related Video:
What is FTP? How to Use it Securely? Advantages and Usage with a Practical Setup Example:

If you wish to see the process for a particular operating system, you can use the following time codes

0:00 – Intro and Important Information
1:40 – Setting up Automatic Windows System Backup to FTP Server
9:25 – Setting up Automatic Linux System Backup to FTP Server
16:58 – Conclusion

Keywords: FTP, Backup, Automatic, Windows, Linux, Encrypted, System, Automatic System Backup, curlftpfs, Cobian Backup, Encrypted Backup

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