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How to Setup RAID 10 on Raspberry Pi 4 or Raspberry Pi 5

In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of building and setting up a RAID 10 NAS (Network Attached Storage) using the Raspberry Pi 4 or the latest Raspberry Pi 5.
Learn how to enhance your storage capabilities, improve data redundancy, and boost performance by configuring a RAID 10 array on these compact and powerful single-board computers.

🔧 Topics Covered:
– Introduction to RAID 10 and its benefits
– Choosing the right hardware components for your NAS setup
– Installing the necessary software and operating system
– Preparing and formatting your storage drives
– Configuring RAID 10 using software RAID tools (MDADM and Webmin)
– Setting up Samba Server
– Configuring network access and permissions
– Testing and optimizing your RAID 10 NAS for performance

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Raspberry Pi enthusiast, this tutorial provides valuable insights and practical tips to create a reliable and efficient NAS solution for your home or small office.

Commands (in Sequence):
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install mdadm
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Paste the following:
deb https://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib

sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
sudo apt update && sudo apt install webmin -y

Format RAID10
sudo mkfs.ext4 -v -m .1 -b 4096 -E stride=32,stripe-width=64 /dev/md0
sudo mkdir /media/SambaNAS

sudo mount /dev/md0 /media/SambaNAS
sudo chown ravi:ravi /media/SambaNAS

sudo apt install samba
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Paste this at the end:
comment = RADI10 NAS on Raspberry Pi
path = /media/SambaNAS
read only = no
browsable = yes

sudo service smbd restart

sudo blkid
sudo nano /etc/fstab
UUID=(my_uuid) /media/SambaNAS ext4 defaults,nofail 0 0
cat /etc/fstab

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.