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How to setup Static IP address in VMware that's running windows server 2012 in VMware.

Home Networking STATIC IP Tutorial – How easily assign a Static IP address in VMware machine which is running Windows Server 2012.
In this video I will show you the quickest and easy way you can setup Static IP address in Virtual Machine.
Once Static IP address is set I will configure the VMware Server so that you can Ping from your host to VMWare.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

18 thoughts on “How to setup Static IP address in VMware that's running windows server 2012 in VMware.

  • Very easy to follow and understand, even when mi VM is a Linux distro.

  • Thank You
    100 % accurate tutorial. I was stopped here. Thanks again .

  • at 2;10. I am getting a default gateway of 10.0 instead of 192 like yours. Please advise

  • I am so worried about the laptop running out of battery

  • Thank you. This helped. Now lets see if I can create Dedicated game server out of a VM

  • This helped me a lot brother. Thank you so much.

  • how do you know what numbers to choose from for the ip address and how to choose the default gateway numbers ? Ive looked high and low for an answer on this and no site or youtube video wants to explain this to me. these random numbers from 0 to 255 are so weird to me, can you just throw for the ip and than for the default gateway and call it good? do those numbers work and do the numbers change for a .local domain versus a .net or .com domain?

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